Victorian Radicals: From the Pre-Raphaelites to the Arts & Crafts Movement

I was able to attend the exhibit in Reno, Nevada and it was a wonderful, substantial show with a variety of paintings, sculpture, books, jewelry and other arts and crafts. Besides the glorious portrait of Rossetti by Hunt, Waiting and the Blind Girl by Millais, Valentine Rescuing Sylvia and Christ in the Temple by Hunt, Prosperine and a version of Beata Beatrix by Rossetti, etc. The most eyeopening were the works by women artists with Kate Bunce and Elizabeth Siddal represented. The exhibit moves to the Frick Pittsburgh: November 6, 2021 – January 30, 2022.

Florence Sarah Stern – Dante and Beatrice stained glass
Arhtur Gaskin – Portrait of Georgie Gaskin
William Holman Hunt – The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple
Dante Gabriel Rossetti – Love’s Mirror
Sculptures at the Nevada Museum of Art
Day dress from 1865 with Arthur Hughes’s Annunciation and The Long Engagement

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